Sphere Trace Single For Objects always returns null

I Use SphereTraceSingleForObjects to check that my character can stand up and i use this code

bool AFirstPersonPlayer::CanStandUp()
    const FVector Start = GetCapsuleComponent()->GetComponentLocation();
    const FVector End = Start + FVector(0, 0, TraceHalfHeight);
    FHitResult HitResult;
    TArray<AActor*> IgnoresActors;
    TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery>> ObjectTypesArray;

    bool bHit = UKismetSystemLibrary::SphereTraceSingleForObjects(
                 Start, End, 
                 TraceRadius, ObjectTypesArray, 
                 false, IgnoresActors, 
                 EDrawDebugTrace::ForDuration, HitResult, true
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("bHit is %s"), HitResult.bBlockingHit);

     return !bHit;

and this always returns null, so editor crashes. But if i don’t use this function return value debug drawing is okay. What i do wrong?