Sphere Reflection Capture & dynamic lighting?

I use a fully dynamic lighting with SkyLight. Is there any reason to add Sphere Reflection Capture actors into fully dynamic scene? Reflections are correct without any captures, but something changes when I add Sphere Reflection Capture. Reflections change a little, becoming a bit brighter, but everything in the reflections stays the same.

Thanks for the answer! I have a 100% runtime procedurally generated scene, so I guess that reflection actors won’t be useful in my case then…
Materials still have reflections though (for example, a moving shiny (Roughness close to 0) metal ball reflects all the environment around dynamically), without any reflection actors. That’s interesting, maybe that’s some default lower-quality dynamic reflections going on there…?

Update: It might be the default Screen Space Reflections: Screen Space Reflections | Unreal Engine Documentation

Yes, it’s default Screen Space Reflections, such reflections are inferior in accuracy, but they work in runtime. If your level is in open space, you can put one Actor on the whole of your scene, it will give the global reflections, but If you have a completely procedurally generated scene, then you do not need the reflection actors, unless you find a way to place them on your level. Unfortunately UE4 does not support dynamic lighting well and sometimes it is necessary to put up with such difficulties.


If you want your reflections to be displayed correctly, the answer is yes, you need Reflection Capture actor. Without it, you will not get reflection on some materials, it will also cause an incorrect distribution of light. Reflections vary depending on the position of the sphere, so try to move it. You should know that the reflections are calculated before the run time, so if you have light sources with changing colors, only one color will be reflected in the reflections. Unfortunately, UE4 does not allow you to calculate the reflections in run time. You can try Planar Reflection, but they come with a higher rendering cost and.