It doesn’t seem like SpawnParticleSystem is working at all but I haven’t seen anyone else talking about it so im confused. I tried it with the following code from the official exposing-assets link below.
I have made a new project and tried the official code, I have tried it with my current project with my own code. I tried it with existing particle systems that all work correctly in game when placed manually. I tried it with new particle systems that are just simple looping default particles. I have tried it with using a variable for the particle system or just using the example and using the properly exposed assets in the Assets.digest.verse and reference it directly.
I don’t receive any errors, just nothing ever gets spawned. I have checked the spawn locations and made sure all the functions are running with print statements but no particles are spawned.
Nothing is working and I am curious if its working for somebody else?
Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!
For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here: Using the Creative and UEFN Bug Reporting Form
Well I was testing this further after seeing your success. I was able to get it working in a brand new normal project, my test project before was a lego project, and I created another brand new lego project and it wasn’t working again. I also tested two older current project which is not a lego project and it still wasn’t working either.
Older lego project: not working
Brand new lego project: not working
Old normal project: not working
Brand new normal project: working
Can you test any of your older projects from before the lego update and see if it works there?
it worked once, for 3 seconds (the first loop) and then never again
i’ve closed everything down and restarted it all, deleted the particle system and recreated it (in the old normal project) but it has never worked again
this is very frustrating because now i’ve used niagara for the first time investigating your problem, i like them and really want to use them in my old project