Spawn Actor on server always returning same pointer?

When I call spawn actor the same pointer is getting returned. It only runs on server. Why is this occurring? I want a new pointer for each actor who spawns PSAbility.

Relevant Code

 /** Primary Augmentation */
    UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category=Abilities)
    TSubclassOf<class APSAbility> PrimAugClass;
    class APSAbility* PrimAug; // primary augmentation

And the code for spawning an an instance of the PrimAugClass

 FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParameters;
 SpawnParameters.bAllowDuringConstructionScript = true;
 SpawnParameters.bNoFail = true;
 SpawnParameters.Instigator = Instigator;
 SpawnParameters.Name = TEXT("PrimaryAugmentation");
 SpawnParameters.Owner = Instigator;
 SpawnParameters.Template = NULL;
 const FRotator SpawnRotation = GetControlRotation();
 const FVector SpawnLocation = GetActorLocation() + SpawnRotation.RotateVector(GunOffset);
   PrimAug = World->SpawnActor<APSAbility>(  PrimAugClass, SpawnParameters );

If you need me to include code regarding APSAbility, and the PrimAugClass, let me know.

Thank you!

Come on unreal. More questions go unanswered than answered… and that’s a fact in my case.

The issue was this line:

SpawnParameters.Name = TEXT("PrimaryAugmentation");

Objects have unique names so the SpawnActor was returning a pointer to the object with that name.

A friend solved the issue for me.