Space Nebula and Starfield Plugin ✧ V1 + V2 + V3 ✧ for UE4

        Big 2019 Update

Bumping just for fun^^

New Pictures from the production

I just bought the plug in and installed.For some reason I can’t seem to find the Blueprints?
Nevermind! Had to change view options. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually I have a new issue. When I try and package my game and play it on my PC, I get this error… I even get this with a brand new blank project with nothing in it but a nebula.

Dear Darkloud1989,
thank you for your investigation! I just packaged the current marketplace-plugin for distribution in UE4.22 and the Game runs fine on PC with a Nebula-Level in play. So it’s hard to say where the issue comes from. Did you make any changes in the level or blueprints? Can you send over any project/build to get the problem reproduced?

Nevertheless I will send you a pm with the WIP-version of the plugin in hope that the issue is then be solved xD

HelIo, I am not sure if I am missing something but I have purchased the plugin and I have installed it to the engine and restarted. However, the Content Browser is still empty without any Space Nebula Starfield Content folder. I have installed the plugin to both UE4.21 and 4.22.

A new video from the game of one of our users - and I think it looks absolutely amazing!

Sorry, we answerd your question a while a ago in the Marketplace comments but here you go:
In your Content-Browser you see the “View Options”. Activate “Plugin Content” and “Engine Content” to see all your Engine-Plugins installed, including this one :smiley:

Is it possible to animate the nebular inside the plugin? I bought it but found limited resources or tutorials other than the youtube video. Still figuring out how to replace shaping noise and customize generative color texture. Is it gonna cost a lot of performance to animate this?

Hello, it’s me again. Still wondering how can you animate the nebula. Besides, how can I specify the noise I want to use for generating? I don’t know which float value corresponds to which noise under the noise type parameter.
I want to create a simulator that generates random nebulas base on different sets of noise and colors and settings. It would be extremely helpful if you can provide some instructions more elaborate than the outdated youtube video.
Where exactly do you implement the noise function? Is it the MicroStructureTexture for displacement inside the raymarching function? How you implement different kinds of noises with it?
Any helps will be appreciated. Thank you!

Sorry, animation of volumetric clouds is still a cinematic effect. We depend on a Creation-method, which runs parallel to update a nebula continuously. Though this process takes time and performance. So a veeeeeery small animation is possible out-of-the-box (see the NebulaAlpha_DensityInst -> AnimationSpeed-parameter as example). But a fast animation would take too much performance in creation to not be real-time anymore. You could increase the CreateTilesPerTick parameter in the BP-defaults to increase creation-speed for the cost of performance, or reduce creation complexity (simple structure and lighting)

In the defaults-panel of a Nebula-Creator-BP, you also see the category Nebula|Creation|Randomization. From there you can trigger any Material-Parameter to be randomized within a specified range (during play), as well as customizing your Randomization for your specific needs. You may see the Tooltips of the different checkboxes for their explanation.

The Microstructure does not define the total Density- and Emissive-structure.
You can take a look into the Presets-folder of the plugin-content. Choose one Level and select the Nebula. In the defaults-panel -> Nebula|Creation|ManualCreation you see the DensityInstance. That is where the Noise (Density and Emissive structure) is created from (during play). You can change the Instance-parameters or the underlying Materials, where you will also find the Noise-functions. These look quite differently between the Presets and you may start creating your own (see the DefaultNebula_MasterMaterial for a quite most basic example).

Hey thanks for the great plugin.
I am trying to animate the position and intensity of the lightsource.
Intensity wise,(& more importantly)- I have tried animating collection parameters, replacing the intensity and light radius but see no effect.
Position- Have tried animating the translation of the blueprint but no luck.
Thankyou for any tips/tricks!

Dear maxwellS5D,
thank you very much!
The Nebula’s Lightsource-Actor and -Materials are intended for the creation of the static Nebula-Texture. The creation-process has to run to update the light’s parameters and position in the Nebula structure. But animating these is only applyable for veeeery slow animations or some baking for cinematics.

But there are some testings for dynamic lighting in the renderer. In “RenderNebula_Mat” and/or “RenderNebulaBuffered_Mat”, you may replace the “NebulaRaymarchDistancefield_MatFunc” with “NebulaRaymarchDistancefield_DynLight_MatFunc”. In the event-graph of “NebulaAndStarfieldV2_BP” you may notice the “ApplyDynamicLightExample” function as an entry point for your goals. But remember, dynamic lighing is still something experimetal here and some arthefacts may appear within a homogenous structure!

So have fun and good luck, anyway keep asking :smiley:

Hello, guys!
First i found your plugin I was extremely fascinated, it’s awesome!

So I bought it, downloaded from EGLauncher, switched to “enabled” in my plugin window and…
I can’t see any folders or something at my content browser… :frowning:
Project restarting didn’t work, switching to “enabled” again for the second time as well.
How can I solve this problem?
My UE version is 4.23 if it’s necessary.

(I apologize for my English in advanced, I’m not native speaker)

Thank you!

Hello @bertuio

did you do this?

This is an default editor thing, would be nice to make it sticky…

Hello @LeeFX !

Thank you, it works!
Didn’t know about this option…

(removed due to newer demo link below)

Hey there @LeeFX, I got plugin content ticked and there’s no content folder (I’m in 4.24)…

[USER=“887”]ioFlow Studios[/USER] hm… that is strange. Did you tick “Show Engine Content”? Plugins from the Marketplace are usually stored within the Engine folder.
Btw. it is shown with screenshots in our documentation