I start getting the feeling that this is a multi-layered issue or it’s really several very similar issues regarding parents/childs/inheriting…
This is a screenshot of our feature testmap playing as a host/server in a shipping build:
The red arrow points at lootable chests that have one(?) of the issues described above. These are child blueprints that inherit the logic and interaction abilities from the parent blueprint but have their own skeletal/static mesh assigned - yet they also show the parent’s dummy geometry.
Clients would also see these chests with the same issue.
However, the only reason why clients can see these chests at all is that we added this to their “begin play”:
So on those childs we created variables with the same meshes as used in the mesh components, and on “begin play” we basically set/assign them once again. Otherwise clients would not see them.
Now adding “-NoZenLoader” to project config → packaging settings had no effect.
However, adding “-NoZenLoader” to the packaged game’s executable (launch options in steam in my case), fixed the chests to not show the white unreal sphere anymore.
Unfortunately, from my understanding that means that the “-NoZenLoader” option fixes the parent blueprint meshes from being shown if the parent had something assigned… but it does not fix showing what the child blueprints have assigned. Let me explain:
In the feature testmap screenshot above, clients would not see any of those dropitems/pickups like trinkets, potions, weapons, armor… because none of them have the soft reference fix on begin play added to them, i only added that to the chests.
It seems to me that the -NoZenLoader option only fixes the parent blueprint stuff from being shown but it does not fix showing the assigned child blueprints stuff.
As mentioned above, we confirmed the issue happening for static & skeletal mesh as well as geometry collection components on child blueprints.
Now, I don’t want to make everyone nervous, but scrolling through various Discord servers that I’m on, I found myself complaining about similar issues being introduced with UE 5.4.4… not sure anymore if we found a workaround back then or if we simply ignored the issue until now that we want to release a demo and do more sophisticated testing, but in case you are investigating, the mentioning of this may having started with the 5.4.4 update might be helpful.