Soft Reference Property Customization Not Working

Good day.

In the process of creating an extended Scene Outliner (by the way, I still haven’t figured out the search :melting_face:) i realized that it would be ideal to use it instead of the standard list when choosing an actor.

To do this for a hard reference, it was enough to register my settings widget under the name “Actor”:

FPropertyEditorModule& PropertyModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FPropertyEditorModule>("PropertyEditor");

However, the soft links remained unchanged:


I get GetClassNameToDetailLayoutNameMap, but it doesn’t have anything to do with Soft References.

I tried registering my widget with different combinations of “Actor”, “Soft” and “Reference” names, but nothing worked. I also tried TSoftObjectPtr< AActor > name, but the result was the same.

So under what name should I register my customization widget so that it works with soft references to actors?
Thanks in advance.

P.S. With other soft references - the situation is exactly the same. Registration works only for hard references.

OMG i was closer than ever, and after a few hours of debugging the source, I finally found the name.

The type I need is named “SoftObjectProperty”, but WTF it’s not in the easily accessible list, and it’s confusing.

Nevertheless, I am glad that everything worked out and my original idea is being realized :kissing_smiling_eyes:.
Thanks to everyone who thought with me (I hope such people were here :grin:).

P.S. Oh, and I still haven’t been able to beat the search, so if you know anything about it, you’re welcome.