Custom search in SSceneOutliner

Good day.
I need to make a menu for selecting an actor component on a level. I found how to do it, but the search bar doesn’t work quite as I expect.

Right now it seems to only show components that match the name, but only if the actor’s name also matches the search criteria.

This is how I create a scene outliner:

FSceneOutlinerInitializationOptions Options;
Options.bFocusSearchBoxWhenOpened = true;

FComponentsFilter* Filter = new FComponentsFilter(GetFilterValue(StructPropertyHandle));
SceneOutlinerFilter = MakeShareable(Filter);

Options.ModeFactory.BindLambda([](SSceneOutliner* Outliner)
		FActorModeParams Params;

		FActorMode* Mode = new FActorMode(Params);
		return Mode;

FSceneOutlinerModule& SceneOutlinerModule = FModuleManager::Get().LoadModuleChecked<FSceneOutlinerModule>(TEXT("SceneOutliner"));
SceneOutliner = SceneOutlinerModule.CreateComponentPicker(Options, FOnComponentPicked::CreateLambda([this, StructPropertyHandle](UActorComponent* PickedComponent) { /*some actions*/}));


class FComponentsFilter : public FSceneOutlinerFilter
	FComponentsFilter(TSubclassOf<UActorComponent> InFilterComponentClass) : FSceneOutlinerFilter(EDefaultBehaviour::Pass)
		FilterComponentClass = InFilterComponentClass;

	TSubclassOf<UActorComponent> FilterComponentClass;

	virtual bool PassesFilter(const ISceneOutlinerTreeItem& InItem) const override;


bool FComponentsFilter::PassesFilter(const ISceneOutlinerTreeItem& InItem) const
	if (!FilterComponentClass)
		return false;

	const FActorTreeItem& ActorItem = static_cast<const FActorTreeItem&>(InItem);

	if (ActorItem.Actor->GetClass()->IsChildOf(FilterComponentClass) || ActorItem.Actor->GetClass()->IsChildOf(AActor::StaticClass()))
		return true;
	return false;

How can I make it so that the actor name is ignored, filtering occurs only by component name, and actors are displayed only if their component matches the search criteria?

Thanks in advance.


I still hope that some wise man will look in here, before I re-read half the engine code again… :grin:


I have put off solving this problem for now, but I still wouldn’t mind if someone shared their experience in this matter. :man_mage: