Smoothly transitioning into a post-processing volume

I’m attempting to implement pool water in a first-person game using Unreal Engine 5.1. I grew frustrated with Unreal’s default implementation of water (entirely height-based post-processing effects, requiring terrain to function properly, and extraordinarily broken custom water bodies) and after some struggles I managed to implement something that works for the most part—allowing swimming and buoyancy in a user-defined volume that can be used without generating any kind of terrain; very useful for indoor pools or pools of water with tunnels underneath. I even found a tutorial that let me develop a water line.

The problem is that for this water line to work I have to manually define a “water height” parameter. If I move the body of water afterwards all post-processing effects disappear. I’d much rather just be able to place this water body into a scene and move it around as I need.

My question is, then, what’s the best way to smoothly transition into and out of a post-processing volume, I.E. if a player jumps into a pool, how do I make it look like the camera is half-submerged? Is a static parameter defining water height required, or is there a better way to control this value?

(The effect I’m going for)

I’ve tried looking this up online, but all I’ve gotten are basic tutorials on post-processing volumes, or videos on the default water system, neither of which are useful.

How about this?

I somewhat understand the logic behind it, and I think my initial implementation was a variation on one of the previous videos in this series, but I can’t get it to work.

Is it really only possible to smoothly transition into a post-processing volume by creating an entirely separate scene capture component like that?

Anyone searching this up, I have managed to create a solution thanks to this post:

This isn’t a very pretty solution, it’s basically just adjusting the already existing water height parameter to correspond to the height of the actor. It does so by converting the material to a dynamic instance at the start of play, then simply changing the parameter.

This works well for calmer bodies of water. A solution for the choppier waters produced by waves would likely require some finagling. Luckily, my focus was on indoor bodies of water, which wouldn’t be so choppy.

This issue is resolved.

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