Smooth control over time

Hi, i’m making wind for trees, and i wanna have control over wind speed, but when i’m changing the value whole tree is “jittering”…


I think this is happening because when the time node is multiplied, then whole integer inside changes, how do i control time smoothly?

I know this is old but I found this post when I was looking for a solution to this and was disappointed to see no response. This is a problem with changing the WindSpeed input in SimpleGrassWind - it will jitter the vertices. Don’t think there’s any way around it, unfortunately. Fortunately, you can kinda get a similar effect by modifying the WindIntensity. There’s a good video on setting this up (for grass and trees) here: Simple Global Wind in UE4 (One weird trick! Everyone hates him!) - YouTube

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Yes, i have solved it like this.