Skylight shadows no smoothness

How do i fix this shadow roughness? wtih my lightmass setting this shouldn’t be happening.


You shouldn’t keep the whole building as one mesh!
…your lightmap resolution looks very low!
What quality is this build?
…are you using portals?

The mesh resolution is 512, it was baked in production level and i am using 2 lightmass portals for the 2 windows where the curtains area.

i dont mind the shadow on the corners or around the other parts i can fix that with higher lighting quality. It just that ine shadow that as very bad shadow gradient on the left wall were the Nioh poster is.

  • Turn Compress lightmaps back on unless this is only for visual renders and you are not planning to make this playable.

  • Set static lighting level scale back to one, that will get rid of the noisy parts at the corners.

  • Turn off cast shadow on your posters, they probably are took close to the wall and won’t give you the results you want.

  • I’d advise you to either use a dynamic skylight or static. Stationary hasn’t given me the best results personally.

  • Do you have a lightmass importance volume? and do you have a Volumetric Lightmap Density Volume? If no make sure you have those in the scene and make sure all your assets are inside of the volume.

  • Use your lightmap density viewmode to check if all assets have a similar lightmap density (this will help with determining the appropriate lightmap size per object.

Hope some of these help.

Non should be the problem imma test the static lighting level back to 1 hopfully it should work, i usually do lighting with 0.15 static lighting level put at quality 20 or so and change the lightmass.ini file for better result but the lightmass.ini file isnt working on that spot of the wall.

Gotcha, for me these kinds of problems and fixing them often times come down to just starting over with defaults and working my way up again to see where the problems start.

true, i might do that again but ill see. but its weird that light is doing that from just a crack from the window were the curtain is thats the only one doing it tho the rest a least give off a gradient