I have a single skylight in my level, it was set to moveable and I had about 80 fps after building lighting (preview quality). I noticed that it was not realistic, many rooms inside my building was lit up as if there was lights the room. So I changed the mobility of my sky light to stationary. It made some of it much more realistic but it’s pitch black inside the building, outside looks great but the grass (foliage) is dark. Also my frame rate went from 80 fps to 2 fps after building light for 4 hours at preview quality. Now it also says 220 unbuilt objects after completing the building lighting. What can I do to make the frame rate higher? How can I make the interior look better? How can I make the foliage grass not look so dark?
Heres some screenshots of before I changed the skylight mobility to stationary:
Exterior w/ Moveable Skylight:
Interior w/ Moveable Skylight (Office):
Interior w/ Moveable Skylight (Hallway):
Interior w/ Moveable Skylight (Lab):
Same as above images but stationary skylight (in order):