The SkyLight darkens anything that uses “2 Sided” and “SubSurface” shading models. And it darkens them too much.
Everything works fine as long as the SkyLight is set to Stationary. But this happens as soon as you put skylight on Movable. (Happens without having generate mesh distance fields and DFAO activated so it’s just something wrong with the SkyLight itself or the shaders).
After using 4.10 for a while then I downloaded 4.11.2 and faced the problem for the first time. And it is still there in 4.12 Preview 2 as well. (Both downloaded through launcher).
Repro steps:
- Create a new level
- Check Force no precomputed lighting option in the world settings and click on build lighting once to get rid of the pre-baked lighting that’s on the newly created level.
- Put a piece of foliage/vegetation in the scene. (Something that has leaves and uses the “2 Sided” shading model.
- Remove directional light. (Do this so you will see the problem a lot easier).
- Add Skylight.
- Switch back and fourth between Stationary and Movable to see the darkening problem.
The problem happens 100% of the time when I do this in 4.11.2 and 4.12 preview 2.
System specs:
Windows 7 x64
GTX 970
Core i7 4790K
Example setups:
Skylight set to Stationary - (No DFAO)
Skylight set to Movable - (No DFAO)
Another test:
Another test, another project:
Please help! we’re falling behind the schedule because of this.
No idea what is going on, but as a work around you can try an ambient cubemap in your post processing settings.
Any help guys? Having the same problem.
Hi Tim,
Thanks for the reply but while the AO is fixed internally, it’s not exactly the problem I have reported above. I am not using DFAO in any of the screens I have posted above (Generate mesh distance fields unchecked in the project settings). I only get that dark result simply by having a movable skylight.
This has already been fixed internally in what will be 4.13 in a future release.
Darker AO is from 4.12. Corrected AO is from 4.13.
[Removed DFAO images that did not matter for this post]
Look for the fix in a future release.
Thank you!
oh. That’s my bad. I read it wrong. Regardless Skylight had some issues with 4.11 that have been resolved internally that will be fixed in 4.13.
No problem. 
So is anyone still going to try to reproduce my problem then?
Looks like Daniel say’s it’s fixed in 4.12 not 4.13.
Thank you so much Tim! 
We really appreciate it.
Thank you so much Tim!
We really appreciate it.
Thank you so much Tim!
We really appreciate it.
Hi Tim,
The problem isn’t fixed. You can refer to the thread you linked for details.
I just downloaded 4.12 Preview 4 and there are still problems with 2 sided and subsurface shading models there.
Now if we were to use DFAO and/or SSAO, things get much darker as well.
Repro steps are the same but I will just write again.
Repro steps:
- Create a new level
- Check Force no precomputed lighting option in the world settings and click on build lighting once to get rid of the pre-baked lighting that’s on the newly created level.
- Put a piece of foliage/vegetation in the scene. (Something that has leaves and uses the “2 Sided” shading model.
- Remove directional light. (Do this so you will see the problem a lot easier).
- Add Skylight.
- Switch back and fourth between Stationary and Movable to see the darkening problem.
The problem happens 100% of the time when I do this in 4.12 preview 4.
This is a solid dead end for foliage/vegetation and outdoor scenes. Please look into it. We’re stuck at this since 4.11.
As previously mentioned this has already been fixed but hasn’t made it’s way into the preview releases yet.
Preview 4 is CL-2978217
The fix was submitted with CL-2980504
It’ll be in the next preview release coming shortly.