Skylight affects all actors on the scene with pink/red glow

On any template that has Skylight, the entire scene becomes a pink nightmare. This issue affects only my laptop (my home PC is fine) and I didn’t clearly understand which can cause this problem. When I remove Skylight from the scene everything becomes ok, except Skylight absence.

Screenshot with Skylight:

Screenshot w/o Skylight:

On the Epic quality glowing disappears, but, anyway each actor has a pink tint

Have you tried just reducing the skylight intensity?

Yeah, sure, I’ve tried it and the valuable result is a 0, (looks like disabled) and non 0 (pink glow issue)

I’ve also found when I change the LightColor property that the pink glow depends on the R component. If R is 0, the light can be any other color that does not require R)

You also can see the default Intensity scale value is 1 on the last screen with Epic quality scale example

This issue also doesn’t depends on project because screen from Epic quality is from another test project that works and look fine on my PC

Very strange, seems to be more prevalent on macs, for some reason.

I have an HP laptop with an integrated Intel Iris XE video card. Do you think this is a problem? As I remember half a year ago, there wasn’t a problem at all.

Was half a year ago UE4?

I didn’t clearly remember but it was beta UE5 as far as I know.

Ok, thanks for the idea, I will try it with UE4 and early UE5 for test when I’ll returned to the quality internet connection

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Hello again. Problem was solved. Issue was in RealTimeCapture flag (it was enabled).

Thank you!

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