Sky Atmosphere not visible from underwater

Using the new default water material, the sky atmosphere just renders black. Is there any way to get this to work? I know this is still experimental, so is it just not working at this time? Trusky also renders black when beneath the water.

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I’m having the same issue in 4.27.1

Anyone have a solution for this? It’s pretty annoying to see the sky BLACK from under the water while it’s mid day…

Bump. I’m having this issue as well.

What on earth is happening with this water plugin?!? It’s not at all the “it just works” water solution that epic has promised. The water looks terrible. The above/below water split line is broken (getting a double water surface). The gershner waves are not very configurable at all (can’t adjust overall scale or speed!).

This can be solved by adding a skydome, there is an appropriate material you can apply to a sphere in: Engine Content /EngineSky/SkyAtmosphere/SkyAtmosphere_MaterialSkyDome.uasset

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Thank you! That idea of using a skydome so the sky is not black underwater worked perfectly. I recommend dragging in the SM_SkySphere mesh ( located in All > Engine > Content > EngineSky) into your own level, clearing the location to 0,0,0 and setting the scale to 10000 in x,y,z. If you want to use the material with the texture-based clouds, assign the material instance of M_Sky_Panning_Clouds2 (found in the same folder as above), or use a different one. If you do NOT want to use texture based clouds and just want your sky to be visible underwater, you can assign the M_SimpleSkyDome material (also in the same folder).