SketchUp Pro 2023 Datasmith Plugin for Unreal 5.2 Black Mesh

Hi all, we’ve been running into an issue with newer versions of the datasmith plugin for Sketch Up where when we import a model certain parts/meshes of the model are completely black. This is happening on the datasmith SketchUp plugin for unreal 5.1 and 5.2 but 5.0 was fine… any suggestions or how to fix this issue?

We finally figured out the problem! It was a SketchUp thing and all we had to do was explode and regroup the mesh again… a pretty silly thing and this wasn’t a problem with older versions of the datasmith plugin.

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Having the same issue - really frustrating on Sketchup 2023 with Unreal 5.2.

I have also been facing the same problem. In UE5 you can either use the modelling tools to invert normals, or in the mesh itself and recompute normals. Both of these options are then ignored when reimporting the sketchup file, so only offer temporary solutions.

In my particular case the only geometry I have been having issues with are profiles created by profile builder 3. Recently this has been walls as well as skirtings etc. Other geometry has been fine. Exploding and regrouping IS the only permanent work around I can find as well.

However, my question is this: Is this a Datasmith, or SketchUp (Profile Builder) problem? The geometry in Sketchup is UV mapped correctly with faces the correct orientation, yet imports with issues. Additionally, only the profile builder 3 geometry oriented along the x (red) axis in Sketchup has these issues! If the profile is a continuous profile that has X Axis parts, the the whole profile has a problem. Mostly, to be more efficient with Lumen, I use the option to split each section up as a separate object. Therefore it takes an additional couple of steps to make sure the import is correct.

UPDATE 02.08.2023 (August): As way of an update, using UE5.2.1 and the latest Datasmith plugin, I am now seeing more issues with dark objects that have normals reversed. This is also happening to some of my FlexTools objects, such as door handles, as well as native sketchup groups that have been copied and flipped. Whilst the solution remains the same, it is beginning to be a bit of a problem with having to explode my nice dynamic blocks… Time to explore the 5.3 preview datasmith…


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