SketchUp Dataprep Import is Messed Up


I’m using Datasmith/Dataprep to import a SketchUp model. It seemingly doesn’t seem to have any wrong-facing normals in SketchUp, but in Unrealthey’re switched (pink) or sometimes even black (whatever that means). Can someone please help me understand what’s going on here?

Thank you!


We are aware that some normals do not come well into the engine, especially if the geometry has been grouped and rotated. A bug fix is scheduled but not before several months

Here are some similar forum post for reference, I believe they illustrate the same issue.

I have seen that in the second link a workaround is proposed.
You could also enable the “recompute normals” on the static meshes in UE while waiting for a fix.

Thank you, Flavien. Is it possible to “Recompute Normals” in Dataprep?

Maybe with some C++ blueprint library and custom dataprep operation
else you can use it as a post import utility widget like that