Skeletal Mesh Nanite Displacement Odd Behavior

I’m trying out Nanite with tessellation and displacement on a skeletal mesh. In the video the mesh on the right is a static mesh and the mesh on the right is a skeletal mesh (same geometry). With the static mesh I get expected results but with the skeletal mesh It does this fade out of the detail very quickly. It makes the displaced details do weird things as you can see in the video. I also tried this on Quinn and got similar results, spheres turning oblong and fading very quickly.

I’ve tried a few things to mitigate this issue, in the video I tried adjusting the View LOD Bias which does help but not enough. I also tried adjusting nanite settings on the mesh itself, none of those helped.

I know 5.5 and Nanite for SkelMesh is still in development so maybe this is just bugs being worked out, but I’ve seen some demos of others using it with better looking results so here’s hoping someone has suggestions or ideas how to fix this.

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I should clarify, I’m not referring to the shadowing issues. I’m referring to the odd shape I get in the displacement. The displacement map is the same on the static (left) and skeletal (right) meshes, but if you watch when I go to the nanite triangle view, the skeletal mesh on the right has a warped version of the displacement.

This warping is less when you are close up which leads me to believe it’s from the underlying nanite mesh over-simplifying under the hood but I’m not sure.

Apologies, I really should have read the post properly. Unfortunately I don’t have an answer :frowning: Hopefully someone else can provide some insight though

me too,this is bug??