So I have a huge problem with Simplygon which might affect my whole blueprint based project. This seems to be a bug in Simplygon, but I’m not sure. This issue only occurs if I enable the Simplygon plugin. If I do so and want to add code, the file gets added, but then it says “could not find code file”. I cannot build the vs project manually either. The output log always says “Could not find definition for module ‘SimplyUE4’ (referenced via UE4Editor.Target.cs → SimplygonUE4.uplugin)”
I tried to reinstall everything, that didn’t work. There are two licensing tools and I tried to run both to activate it. It seems that the one in the UE4redist folder doesn’t work properly, because the output log also says “couldn’t find simplygon license”. I also tried to follow the steps here, but that didn’t work either. I copied the sources and the other stuff from the simplygon install folder into the correct engine folder (\Engine\Source\ThirdParty etc).
There is no real guide how to integrate Simplygon properly either. I urgently need help solving this issue. I can’t add and compile code while having Simplygon enabled, but I really want to use it.
Thanks in advance.