Simple question about shader parameters

I have created my own compute shader that uses existing vertex data as the input.
I get the ‘VertexBufferRHI’ from the ‘FPositionVertexBuffer’ on a static mesh actor, which I believe points to the vertex-buffer already in GPU memory?

Anyway, the shader-parameter I use to set this is ‘SHADER_PARAMETER_SRV(Buffer, VertexBuffer)’, and this works fine. But I often see the shader-parameter ‘SHADER_PARAMETER_RDG_BUFFER_SRV’, what is the difference between the two?

I am very new to shaders, and I don’t really know what the Render Dependency Graph does or what difference it makes. I’ve tried to use that parameter type but couldn’t get the appropriate buffer type using the ‘VertexBufferRHI’, so I just stuck with the ‘SHADER_PARAMETER_SRV’ and set it like so using an ‘FRHIShaderResourceView’:

FRHIBuffer* Buffer = PositionVertexBuffer.VertexBufferRHI;
FRHIViewDesc::FBufferSRV::FInitializer Initializer = FRHIViewDesc::CreateBufferSRV();
FRHIShaderResourceView* VertexBufferSRV = RHICmdList.CreateShaderResourceView(Buffer, Initializer);
PassParameters->VertexBuffer = VertexBufferSRV;

Edit for extra question.
I am reusing the VertexBufferRHI already in GPU memory for within my compute shader, but I actually need a list of ‘VertexBufferRHI’ of multiple static-meshes. How is this done in the engine? Can we hae a list of ‘FRHIShaderResourceView’ as shader-parameter?