Hey, just bought your awesome kit. Looks pretty good ( still havent got much time to dig deeper in it ), and it will be the engine ( apart from UE4 ) for my RPG platformer. Thank you.
I’m using your kit and very nice it is too - I have a couple of questions:
Firstly, where’s the best place to modify the movement behaviour so that pushing left/right also turns the character (rather than relying on aiming)? I understand that given there are no rear-facing aim animations I run the risk of odd behaviour, but the default behaviour makes it hard to do platforming due to the character not attaching to ledges unless it is facing them.
Secondly, I’d like to add off-spline ladders (i.e. the player moves in +X to grab a ladder and then detaches back onto the spline). I’ve added a new Contextual Input Type in the relevant places, but I’m keen to get your opinion on the best approach to add the ladder BP. It’s OK if character movement is quite snappy for now, as long as it’s functional. I was thinking of duplicating the ladder BP and then modifying/hacking it with a trigger volume (for the contextual action and HUD prompt) and rotated targets/helper skeletals, and just snapping the player to it and using the existing ladder up/down movement - good idea or not?
I think fastest way would be to through “Update Normal Aiming” event in “Aiming Update Logic - Charcter” graph. Delete timer related with this event, and unpause timers “Timer - Rotate Player Right” and “Timer - Rotate Player Left” on direction input (A and D keys - Move Right and Move Left).
Hi awesome kit.
I have noticed though that my enemies does not take any damage at all. Cant seem to figure out why.
Any ideas?
I had a look at the AI Gets Damage Graph and nothing happens
I just tested it on 4.13 on clean project and AI gets damage and it looks fine. I made a short video:
Can you reproduce it on clean project?
Is AI moving/shooting or he is only standing? Maybe AI is not activated - set auto activate AI and range activation enabled to true.
Yes, I tried it in a clean project. I have also noticed that if I set waypoints the enemy does not move.
Auto activate is set to true.
Do you think it could be a mesh or collider issue? It is custom characters that I am using
I just tested in on custom skeletal mesh for player and AI and it was OK. You can see on video below. Is it occuring when you use default manequin? You can take look in BP_SideScrollerAI>EventGraph>AI Gets Damage Logic > Human AI’s Death Logic and look at start of execution flow.
Same place where is definition for custom event “Kill AI” is. Are pins connected? Is there only one incoming pin ot two?
This could occur because of that issue maybe:
4.13.1: Fixed! UE-35585 Migration from 4.12.5 to 4.13 can result in Blueprint functions losing input/ouput variables
About not moving enemies - did you first connect waypoint to AI? Did you place nav mesh volume and build nav mesh?
Yes the pins are connected. Kill AI event pin connected to Set AI Is Dead and one Input pin is connected to Set Ai Is Dead.
Ive spent the day trying to troubleshoot but no luck
That’s odd, but is it occur in plain project? With no custom character, just create new project and do what I have done on the videos and tell me what happens.
Hmmm that’s really strange. I made new project and it works fine as you can see on the videos. Can you send me your zipped project on private message? Maybe I will manage to debug it and find issue.