@PoisonGames @3Stag
I made a tutorial for changing character to trooper from matinee demo
@PoisonGames @3Stag
I made a tutorial for changing character to trooper from matinee demo
Thank you, again This is really awesome! Nice support.
Thanks @PoisonGames If you have any other feedback/problem, let me know.
Hey ;
Enjoying the kit, lovely work!
I wonder if you plan on adding some more tutorials, especially about how the auto-aiming works in depth.
Sometimes I have problems making auto-aim works if there are complex-collision meshes around. Is this an issue about how tracing works?
I looked for how auto-aiming is handled in character blueprint but I couldn’t get far.
Also one more issue I’ve noticed : Check points saves the location of the player only, they don’t have save the state of game objects. For instance, 1) I ran past a check point, game is saved. 2)I destroy a loot ball 3) And then I die.
When I respawn at the check point I see that the loot ball is not respawned, but rather remains destroyed…However, it should spawn fresh…since it is after the last check point.
Any suggestions?
I’m glad you like my kit I don’t know exacly what do you mean because I didn’t implement any auto-aim nor write it on features list Are you talking about cover system maybe? Because aiming there can be saved. Look for bool variable in player character blueprint “Cover - Blind - Save Last Aim Pitch And Yaw” for example. That’s in cover settings section. You can save last angle while player was aiming.
This works as intended. As is in features list, it’s simple checkpoint system. I can’t check and save items which are between checkpoints because I don’t know what is placed there. But I have an idea how to do this - create struct with 2 variables, vector (loation) and array variable of enemy/pick ups class to checkpoint and expose it. In editor, add there actors which are in front of that checkpoint. When player respawns, just spawn there new pick up/enemy.
Hey, thanks for the reply. By “auto-aim” I mean when crosshair switches from white to red and then AI takes damage.
Anyway,I’ve sent you an email with detailed feedback and uploaded a video as well.
I looked at your video and responded in detail for e-mail.
I think there is problem with skeletal mesh collision - check if there is nothing between aim trace and skeletal mesh. Also check physical asset for that skeletal mesh.
I never realised you replied to me so sorry for this late reply but the problems are no longer there. I never figured out why the Ladder was causing me issues but eventually it just kind of stopped by itself. As for the ledge climber the issue seemed to stem from the character BP as I changed the jump so that you can hold down the jump button to jump higher- and if you were still holding the jump button when entering the Ledge Climber it would mess up. I fixed that problem now so it’s all good.
I’m currently battling a new problem with the Turret AI. If anyone can help me solve this I’d be grateful. Some of my Turrets work correctly and shortly after being alarmed go back into standby mode etc, while other Turrets will stay fixed at the last location they saw the player repeatedly shooting, regardless of whether the player is even still there. What makes this confusing is that the Turrets are all copy+Pasted on my level with the exact same settings so I’m clueless as to why some act differently to others. As far as I can tell all the culprits are clamped yaw rot Turrets- although because they are all copied and pasted across the level, some are working fine! Nothing about the turrets has been edited in the Blueprints besides the addition of a new type- a custom pitch turret. All the info for this new type works nearly identically to the normal pitch turrets and shouldn’t effect the other turret types at all. So every other turret type works fine besides clamped yaw rot in some cases. Anyone have any idea why?
So far I am unable to replicate this using a completely blank project with only the sidescroller template assets. Although its hard to reproduce when your not sure how it’s happening in the first place haha.
I’m glad you resolved previous issues. In terms of turret behavior - this is pretty odd, I never had similar bug nor no one reported that, so far at least. If you can’t reproduce it on clean project, I assume this happen due changes you made in that blueprint. If turret keeps shooting, it means shooting timer wasn’t disabled on player sight lost. Try to debug what happen when turret lost sight for very brief time and very long time. That’s my clue where issue could be.
Through using print strings it seems the ‘Stop Shooting’ event just isn’t firing off with certain turrets. Like I said the most confusing thing is that only some of the turrets seem to not work properly, others are working absolutely fine. It makes no sense since they are all the same BP besides some changed editable settings for the presets. Most turrets are firing the event but these few aren’t even though they seem to recognise in the BP that they can’t see the player_mesh collision object. I’m totally lost on this one.
Small Update: So in my level if I select one of the non-working Turrets and move it around, it seems to work in certain locations and not work in other locations which is… well annoying but also really really strange. Theres nothing in my level/scene that should effect the turrets this way at all that I can see and nothing special about the locations in which they’re not working. Its literally just ‘move this 100 meters left/right and now it works suddenly!’. I can’t really build my levels based on where the turrets decide to work so I’ll keep looking into it!
That’s strange behavior, but can you reproduce it on clean project? What have you changed in editable settings? I could try to check it on my end and fix it, but I need to know how to reproduce it.
I don’t believe I changed any of the settings for the preset turrets. I’ve only been using the Easy preset turrets so far. As for changes to the main turret blueprint- I’ve replaced the meshes and added a new patrol type which is more or less a copy of pitch, but with a few floats for setting up the start/end positions of the patrol. I really can’t think of how to reproduce this but, I am trying different things on a clean project in an attempt to figure it out. I will let you know when/if I manage to reproduce it and what steps I took. So far I’ve tested if its something to do with the activation distance (i know its strange but the problem went away when I moved certain turrets so I figured I would test that anyway), and I’ve tested against multiple maps in a persistent level to check if its something to do with not being in the Persistent map- because I wanted the Turrets to respawn after the player has moved a distance away as my game has backtracking (but so far this hasn’t produced anything either).
Hey, great work! So what is your suggestion for this kit, 12.5 or 13.2? And are we need to know any c++? And last question is need to get Unreal Engine source code from github or just blank blueprint project? Thank you!
Thank you!
Engine version doesn’t really matter, I suggest 13.2 since engine it self has more features. You don’t need to know c++, everything is done within blueprints. You don’t need source code from git hub - when you buy kit, you will get whole project.
Side Scroller Shooter Kit is now on sale! It has 30% discount!
This kit looks really great from your videos! Some questions:
If we buy it, do we get the Demo Level Gameplay and the Example Campaign included in the kit?
If so, can we use the assets from those levels for our own games (free or commercial)?
If you make a 3D version of this kit later, and you intend to sell it as a separate package, do you envisage to give a discount for those who already bought this 2D version? Or will they have to pay the full price to have it upgraded to a full 3D version?
Thank you @Mickey512
Yes. Everything you see these videos is included in the kit.
Yes. You can use it in commercial and free games.
I would like to do this but I don’t think there technical possibility (to make a discount) for that, but I will talk to Marketplace staff and maybe we can work way out.
Hey again, did you update the project 4.14? Because if yes, i will wait for 4.14 for start working with your project. Thank you!
I will update project to 4.14 in couple weeks.