Side Scroller Shooter Kit - Cover system, Human AI, QTE System & much more!

Hello, i have purchase your template and its awesome :slight_smile:
Can you make some tutorials ? I would love to know how can i change player and enemy models with my own, also to add some weapons.

Thank you :slight_smile:

@ I assume the reason it only shows support for windows is because that’s what you’ve specifically tested it for. I’m sure there are some minor control/input related issues to consider, but aside from that can you think of a specific reason this wouldn’t work on mobile?

We’re looking to have a mobile port of our game so, while I’m willing to tweak things to get the desired result I want to make sure there are no known roadblocks before we jump into it.

Thanks @PoisonGames ! :slight_smile:

In terms of changing characters model - you can follow that tutorial series made by Epic

In terms of weapon change tutorial - I can prepare some video in couple weeks - will you need it for UE 4.12 or UE 4.13? There is slight difference for cover system in 4.13 in animation blueprint.

You are right - I didn’t test it on iOS and Android. I think there shouldn’t be any problems related with mobile transition. You would have add input bindings for mobile controls. You can check all keyboard/gamepad bindings in documentation: Side Scroller Shooter Kit - documentation - Google Docs

I was expecting as much, thanks! That’s good enough for me, will definitely be picking this up over the weekend.

Thanks, i need it for 4.12 :slight_smile:

, when can we expect an update for 4.13?

I’m actually working on 4.13 fixes at this moment. Almost everything is ready. I think I will send files today to Epic.


I’ve just send update to Epic for 4.13 and patch 1 for 4.12

4.12 patch 1 changelog:

  • AI - fixed bug when reseting current cover point actor reference while switching to patrol mode
  • Player - cover system - fixed issue when player was exiting cover point while crouching. With very high FPS player’s character mesh could be relocated under the map a bit. This was due Z offset check function called in animation BP after cover exit.

4.13 compatibility update changelog:

  • Player - ladder climb - disabled hit reaction logic when player was leaving ladder from top. This caused issue when player get’s hit at that time.
  • Main menu - added interaction component to main menu pawn - old interacting method with 3D widgets didn’t work as stated here
  • Animation blueprint - player and AI - deleted some cashed poses because they didn’t work for some reason
  • Options - switched fullscreen option text from “on” to “off”. For some reason game always launched in window mode. Simple text switch fix that.
  • Known issue - when player or character is placed in the world, he has bit skewed arms for some reason. In blueprint and game is OK so it’s not a real problem
  • AI - fixed bug when reseting current cover point actor reference while switching to patrol mode
  • Player - cover system - fixed issue when player was exiting cover point while crouching. With very high FPS player’s character mesh could be relocated under the map a bit. This was due Z offset check function called in animation BP after cover exit.


Update for 4.13 and 4.12 patch 1 is now live

Excellent work, thanks!

It is working really great so far :slight_smile: lots of assets!

I’m trying to remake a 2d game from when I was a kid into a 2.5D game and this should work perfectly :smiley:

However, I’m a super beginner, probably one of the dumbest questions but how exactly do I replace the mesh of the character, it seems different from the side scroller that comes with ue4, the way I did it for that character doesn’t seem to work :frowning: if I change the character’s mesh it makes it so the guns don’t aim, only shoot and they appear at the feet.

Thanks again for the awesome kit though :slight_smile:

Hey ,

im just start learning the UE4 with your pack. Thanks it’s really awesome. But i struggle arround with the replacement of meshes inside a blueprint. I took the elevator layer “floor” and changed the mesh in the details tab to another mesh to let the structure and the mechanism untouched. I also could give it a new material, but i cannot scale it up. Some meshes can be rearranged and some not. Can you tell me why? Sorry im just learning… :stuck_out_tongue: And maybe how i can fix it?


Thank you @3Stag!
I used same character as is in default Epic’s templates. It only has different material color and additional meshes attached. I think your issue is that you didn’t attach weapon to correct socket. Every weapon has proper socket for example for pistol weapons is pistol socket. Look for “parent socket” in weapon mesh properties.

Thanks @gestaltermedien :slight_smile:

In elevator blueprint, floor mesh has child actors and his scale and location is set in construction script. I suggest in const. script unpin secion related to floor mesh, set your own mesh/look and set proper default values for elevator location and floor scale, then pin it again.
Same with panel actors and pretty much every actor set in construction script.

Hey ,

So far things are going well using this kit- it’s a real saver for my prototype and I haven’t even got round to using all it has to offer because theres soo much included!
I was wondering if you could explain to me how exactly the ‘Ledge climb’ and ‘ladder climb off at top’ mechanics work because in my game, they seem to work sometimes but other times they don’t work properly.
An example for the Ledge Climber not working properly in my project would be; When jumping to a ledge sometimes my character would perform the climbing animation but somehow will end up inside the other mesh (I’ve got a normal flat cube mesh with climbable ledges on either side). This would in turn cause the character to be stuck inside the cube mesh thus breaking the game as you cannot do anything but reset the game. I’ve triple checked the collisions settings incase that was the issue but found no problem. The settings for the ledge climber are correct also and my project is using the 4.12 version.
An example of the Ladder climb not working properly in my project would be; when the character reaches to the top of a ladder to climb off, sometimes he will perform the animation a second time in mid air- again the ladders seem to be positioned correctly and most of the time work flawlessly. This isn’t game breaking but it does look rather odd.

Any help you can provide or reasons as to why this is happening would be greatly appreciated. Right now I can only assume I’m doing something wrong but I can’t figure out what.

Malibu Lizard

I’m glad you like my kit [MENTION=48740]Malibu Lizard[/MENTION] ^^

I’m not sure what could cause these issues. Maybe answers to these questions will help:

1 Can you reproduce it in one of example levels on clean project?
2 In BP_Ledge_Climber there is direction arrow - did you set in to correct direction? Similar with ladder blueprint.
3 Did you changed something with “Climbing ladder” state machine?
4 Did you switch/modify AS_climb_ladder_finish animation? Error could be caused by deleted/moved anim notify.

Today I’ve send update to Epic for 4.13, to fix issue caused by 4.13.1 update.

Change log:

  • BP_SideScrollerAI - deleted unnecessary pins - Some colapsed nodes had 2 inputs.
    Probably caused by this engine change from 4.13.1: Fixed! UE-35585 Migration from 4.12.5 to 4.13 can result in Blueprint functions losing input/ouput variables

If you want to fix it on your own, instead of waiting for marketplace patch:
In BP_SideScrollerAI look into dissolve materials graph and just delete unnecessary pins. Same in graph “AI gets damage logic” with node “Humans AI death logic”.

Awesome work, I would really like to buy a TPS version!

Patch for 4.13.1 is now live.

Change log:

  • BP_SideScrollerAI - deleted unnecessary pins - Some colapsed nodes had 2 inputs.
    Probably caused by this engine change from 4.13.1: Fixed! UE-35585 Migration from 4.12.5 to 4.13 can result in Blueprint functions losing input/ouput variables

Thanks! I’m considering to make TPS version.


I made a walkthrough video with adding new weapon to kit. It covers general set up for player, HUD, player’s cover system, pick ups and human AI.

Thanks :smiley: Awesome. I really love it.