Showstopper - UEFN - Project deletes actors without user's consent - loss of work

This has happened around 7 times in our project now. Props that are associated with sequencers are either found in the 0,0,0 location of the map, or in worst cases unloaded then deleted.

In this example, the actor is called “Flap”. I went ahead and found one of those files by tracking down its package name, then reverting it to the current build to see what happened. It then showed as unloaded without me opening Live Edit. Logs attached (3.1 MB)

and here are logs of the editor loading the actor correctly (from an old repo): (5.5 MB)

EDIT: Unloading happened because the actor has changed folder at some point and when I brought it back it was the wrong filepath. After moving it to the old filepath the actor showed in the viewport correctly and everything worked. However, it still remains a mystery why it was deleted in the first place.

Lost work multiple times with this very same issue. Usually happens when actors are not towards the “Center” of the world.

Actually seems to happen when you “End Game” in Creative. Try force quitting Creative instead