Show / Hide gold and resources on island setting doesn't work / Not footstep sound

Hi, I’m working on a Fortnite Zero Build game mode and I want to hide the resources count and show the gold count, I do this in island settings but it won’t work, mats keep showing and no gold.

Also there’s no footstep sound when you walk run or jump.

Heya if you use a HUD Controller device, you can customise the items that appear on a players screen.

I havent had speakers on my pc since uefn came out, so I’m not sure, but footsteps could be related to the Default Phys Material slot in the details of your landscape folder in Outliner,

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@Jcvelz Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here? Fortnite Creative

We’re aware of some issues with footstep audio/indicators and we’re investigating. As far as hiding gold/resources perhaps try @Hardcawcanary’s approach?

HUD controller worked! thanks!

Footsteps I didn’t understood what you said (I’m new to this) but gonna look in to it.

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As for the footsteps hopefully this works, heres a picture, worth a 1000 ways of interpreting 1000 words

The Default Phys Material option is also in each LandscapeStreamingProxy component of the Landscape Group so you can change it up for different terrain types.
I don’t know if there is a priority but hopefully if there is, the individual landscape component phys mat, overides the landscape group phys mat setting

I also now noticed there’s no audio from devices like speaker or the audio device, when I first put those stuff there where and I think footsteps worked to, but they suddenly stopped working

Hi, I have no landscape I’m using the XL grid island, I’ve created a new one to test if there’s footsteps and is not working.

I’ve also now noticed there’s no audio from devices like speaker or the audio device, when I first put those stuff they where working and I think footsteps worked to, but those sounds suddenly stopped working.

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