Shot/Camera "no shot" When Rendering Level Sequence in Movie Render Queue

Hello everyone! I’ve run into an issue whenever trying to render out any Level Sequence with Movie Render Queue. I have this error.

MoviePipelinePIEExecutor: Warning: Shot/Camera “no shot” starts on a sub-frame. Rendered range has been rounded to the previous frame to match Sequencer.

I’m not sure but I believe every time I try to render out the sequence, In Movie Render Queue I have a “noshot” before my cameras name. However, I know that my camera is properly binded to the sequence. Is there any guidance I can get on this?


I’ve been having the same issue. Stuff like this make you want to pull your hair out. And the fact that nobody have a clue on how to fix this make me want to leave unreal engine alone. I should just stick with maya I guess

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right click on your camera cuts and select this preroll option this fixed it for me
WhatsApp Image 2022-08-06 at 2.17.29 PM


Dang… I wished it work for me. Movie render queue still shows nothing but a black screen and renders quickly. Thanks though.

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Have you found a solution? I have exactly the same problem…


When in Sequencer, you’ll see Camera Cuts on your left, click on the + button and select your camera. Save and render again. That worked for me.



Someone mentioned to leave deferred rendering check as on/enabled, and it started rendering for me (it’s usually enabled by default in movie render queue). Hopefully it works for you


i’m tearing my brain apart over this, but ‘convert to spawnable’ works for me
hope this will help along with other solutions here

This happens to me when there is a mismatch between the Sequencers that you are rendering to the FPS of the render output.

I discovered this when I ticked on the MoviePipelineConfig > Settings > Ouput > Custom Frame Rate. I unticked it, and the renderer used the Sequencer’s own frame rate.


I’ve been having the same issue too If the name of your level and level sequence is the same, this error can occur. i was getting simillar problem like that and thats how i solved it.

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OMG seriously?

Wow. Same problem as dozens of people and 4 different solutions. I might just go back to Blender.


Guys this worked for me like someone here said earlier. I did not have deferred rendering added to my list. I had everything else like Apple Pro Res, Anti aliasing e.t.c but for some reason I think I might have deleted deferred rendering. make sure this is among your items before you render

probably you are at the wrong game mode. try change game mode to “none”
hope this help

This happened to me too, it’s because I had the frame rate at 25 and changed it to 24, I’m guessing, because of the change, the frame render started at half a frame instead of a full frame, What I did was re-type the number of frame/time I want the render to start at and reassign it ({) and the same with the frame I want it to end at (})
I hope that solves it, goodluck!

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Winner, Winner Chicfila Dinner!
This absolutely worked for me thanks!!
deferred rendering check as on/enabled in Render settings :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello all,

Please help folks I am in the last hurtle of my stressful race… I have a shot to be rendered with a cinema camera, and a media track in the sequencer. When being played in the sequencer the Media track plays perfectly. When I render it out at the same project frame rate for some reason the Media track loops and doesn’t finish the entire animation. In my media player settings the loop check box is off. Also the message log error is still showing up…

I tried rendering at different frame rates, and have deferred rendering slider on. I am so close yet so far… if you guys have any ideas id be truly grateful as this is a project for my young students. If only my media would just stop looping :cry:

Thanks take care.

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Hi, I had the same issues. Try changed your working range start to ‘0000’ and view range start time to ‘0000’, this appears to be why the ‘no shot’ warning is being triggered.

Good Luck


Thanks for me this works

I’m joining this circle going in circles, was able to get Camera 2 to finally show up after trying the various ideas above, then placing cursor in the Timeline at start frame of Camera 2> click + Camera Cuts> selecting Camera 2> click greyed out camera by Camera Cuts to turn white> save - I was then able to see Camera 2 in MRQ, was able to render, but only that shot. I tried the same steps for Camera 3, but now getting nothing but “no shot…”. Documentation indicates all cameras/shots should appear in a list under the Cine_Level added to MRQ once those cameras have been added to Camera Cuts, but then what are the specific steps to get that list to appear, if not by first adding them to Camera Cuts and seeing each clip labelled correctly in the Camera Cuts Timeline? This can’t be that hard, can it?

Addendum. I was able to begin using Camera Cuts to switch between cameras assigned on the timeline by creating a new Level Sequence. These evidently can get corrupted. If you’re confident your Camera Cuts are properly assigned in the Timeline and in MRQ you add your Level Sequence, expand it to see what shots show up and see “no cam”, that’s probably a clue your Level Sequence got corrupted.

hey! Just make sure your start and end time selections are on a frame. Probably you hasn’t got snapping enable, so just enable it (check Snap options) and move your start and end frame in orther to attach it to a frame, not a subframe.