Share LOD0 Lightmap with all imported LOD levels

Hello guys! I’m working on a Meta Quest VR project with UE5.4 and I have a problem with LODs and lightmaps.

I created my mesh and 3 more LODs (manually) in 3dsMax. They share the same UV layout since the LOD0, except for the geometry reductions. However, when I build lighting in UE5.4, it creates an HQ and LQ lightmap texture for each LOD (under World Settings > Lightmass Settings > Lightmap).

However if I create the LODs automatically inside the mesh editor, it only produces a single HQ and LQ texture, which is my goal so that I can save memory and hopefully improve performance.

With AutoLODs

With imported LODs

Automatic LODs do not look good on my mesh, so they’re not an option for the moment. So, to sum it up, if the base mesh and the manually created LODs share the same UV Layout, is there any way to use the LOD0 lightmap bake on every other LOD so that I only get a single HQ/LQ texture per mesh when building the light?