baked shadows on some object getting totally dark when camera get far from them.
I think the screenshot explains it better than me.
That looks like a problem with Ambient Occlusion.
Try reading more about that here:
sadly its already off.
im find out when I use play mode it’s gonna fixed ! but when I use viewport mode its back.
Interesting. Did you build your static lighting with preview
settings or production
I didn’t know render on preview setting or production has a connection with camera distance?
can you explain it for me?
im really grateful for the time you put for my problem.Thanks.
I’m not sure if it will. But preview shadows are calculated quicker and cheaper.
I’m pretty sure I saw an Unreal video talking about this problem, but I don’t remember what it was. But here’s some possibly useful info about AO.
- 4.17 Preview | Feature Highlight @ 32:50
- Lighting Techniques & Guides
- Lighting Techniques and Guides 2: Dynamic Lighting
If you post your question in bug reports, you might be able to get the attention of the devs.
Thanks for the reply. those links talk about dynamic lighting more than static lighting.
where can I post a bug?
Thanks .
you can post a bug report here on the answers forum, just put it in the bug category
Thanks for your help.
I post it here as bug report: Shadows getting darker with camera distance - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums