The lightmap resolution of the walls is the problem. Depending on your UV layouts(i.e. if that face of the wall is taking up quarter of the UV layout than it gets only 128 pixels for lightmaps) and the size of the meshes even 512 may not be enough. So you need to readjust your UV’s or increase the resolution.
I´m having an issue with shadow quality in some parts of my project. The lightmap resolution is not the problem, I´m using 512 on that wall.
Also I´m using static spot lights. Even on production it doesn´t get better.
Thanks, Claudio.
To clarify what Jacky is talking about, the Texel Density of your static mesh is likely the problem. On a 512x512 lightmap resolution, you might not really be taking full advantage of all of the shadow’s resolution.
Here’s a wall mesh with poor texel density for the lightmap UVs:
Here’s what it looks like with good texel density:
Notice that in the good texel density you’re getting a lot of extra pixel width and height from the same lightmap resolution, therefore your shadows will look more crisp and less aliased.