For some reason when shadow quality is set to 0 (the lowest) every light source’s draw distance is now infinite. I set the draw distance to like 5000 on some light sources and for some reason when shadow quality is on 0, it completely ignores the draw distance like what?! Not to mention when I have shadow quality on 1 (medium technically) all light source’s draw distance is now super short. Sure the frame rate is good but now I can barely see any lights unless I go up close to them cause for some reason it ignores the number I put and makes the draw distance on those lights super short. Shadow quality 2 and above are the only ones that aren’t affected by this nonsense and act normally. All draw distance on high shadow quality works as intended but what’s the deal with shadow quality 0 and 1? Why does the draw distance get bonked for some reason? Can ya help me figure this out and fix it so that shadow quality 0 and 1 have the draw distance working normally?