Hi, I’m getting some weird shadow artifacts on the surface of my character, does someone know the reason? Thanks.
Could it be
- split vertices
- exported sharp edge (Maya, Blender)
- wrong normal direction (rotated)?
- different smoothing groups (3ds max)
Thanks for the suggestions but unfortunately none of these worked
have you tried to increase the resolution of your lightmap?
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Maybe its a matter of the light settings for shadows. Check if you have a high enough shadow cascade value (seems like it could be a large jump). Maybe you have a shadow bias set to a value where it favors short distances?
Shadow slope bias also seems to play a role in self shadowing so maybe that could be your culprit.
Do the model’s shadows look ok in you modelling application?
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It was indeed a setting of the main light, I didn’t realize I had moved the slider for Contact Shadow Length, Setting it to 0 seems to have solved the problem.
Thanks for your help guys.