Shader - How to get Instance Foliage Object Position without using Vertex Interpolator?

Is there any other method than using ObjectPosition node+VertexInterpolation node to get the Object Position in the shader graph from instanced foliage?

With my current shader setup I get an error if I use ObjectPosition together with VertexInterpolation node and try to use it with Vertex Position Offset “[SM6] (Node VertexInterpolator) Custom interpolator outputs only available in pixel shaders.”


Maybe one of these depending what you’re trying to do


Thank you! I will try it out right away!

What I’m trying to do is to use the instance object position together with the player position in the shader to deform foliage using the WPO output.

The first node option you suggested worked! Thanks alot!!!

Ferris Bueller, you are my hero.


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