I am working on a multiprojection project and I am trying to use nDisplay system to set everything up.
I read the documentation and got a simple config file working, creating multiple nDisplay camera for my multiple screen.
Now I want to apply post processing materials to the different camera (different post processing material for each display). Since the post processing configuration only supports OutputRemap effect I wanted to try to setup cameras in my UE scene before packaging the project and somehow bind these cameras to the corresponding display in the nDisplay system.
I had no success doing this via the config file as I did not find any specific setting for this purpose.
I then tried to do it via a blueprint in the scene. Using the DisplayClusterProjection Module API and its Set Camera node but it did not seem to work as well.
I would love to have ppl’s input on this problem.
Thanks in advance for your answers
I simply created a dummy actor and put it in the scene. This BP graph is linked to the BeginPlay event.
To access the Display… API I think you need to enable the nDisplay plugin but I am not sure.
Back to the original question (how to map in-game cameras via BP):
If you use the ‘SetCamera’ function as shown in your screenshot, you also have to declare that nDisplay view to use a ‘camera’ projection in the nDispaly config file, e.g.
Hey hell0w0rld123, This is a great tip for getting custom post processing with NDisplay. Is there a similar function, or can you describe the process to get custom Lens settings with NDisplay?