Setting mesh at runtime results in low quality

I’m working on a way for players to customize their equipment and running into an issue with mesh quality. The mesh has to be changed at runtime and when it is, the quality is low. I assumed it was an LOD thing but r.ForceLOD 0 doesn’t change anything.

By default the mesh will be low quality. There are several ways to make the mesh high quality.

  • If the mesh is statically in the level the dynamic one will be high quality
  • If the player moves to a level where the same mesh is statically placed/spawned and then travels back to the menu where you can customize the items they will be in high quality.
  • Pausing the game, unpossessing the pawn, focusing on the mesh will make it be high quality.
  • If at any point the mesh becomes high quality, it will stay high quality until the program (editor or stand alone) is shut down. When its started again they will default to low quality.

Unfortunately none of these work arounds really solve the issue. There is a similar question from years ago ([here][1]) but no answers.

Any ideas on what the issue could be or even what to investigate? Here are examples of the models in low/high quality: