I want to change a character’s mesh during runtime. The mesh does change, but the some materials are old. Say I have a mesh with 2 material elements, and I try to change it to a mesh with 4 material elements, the first two are not updated, and the later 2 are set correctly.
I am setting the mesh this way
GetMesh()->SetSkeletalMesh(MeshToUse, true);
If I eject and check the mesh, it is correctly set, but if I check the materials, the outdated materials are called “MaterialInstanceDynamic_0” and so on, while the correct materials have their asset name.
This even happens from the editor without using any code. Say I eject, and change the mesh from the details panel. I get this same situation.
Thanks, EmptyOverrideMaterials() IS working for me.
I had the same issue when changing hair mesh of my characters, the second hair mesh is using a different texture, but when I switched to it, Unreal was still using and displaying the first texture, so I got a wrong result. I added now the call to EmptyOverrideMaterials.
I needed to expose it to a BP as its not by default.
I did it with a library:
class UBPUtils : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Mesh Assets")
static void EmptyOverrideMaterials(UMeshComponent* mesh);
in the CPP:
void UBPUtils::EmptyOverrideMaterials(UMeshComponent* mesh)
what to do when this happens in the Blueprint interface? I’ve switched a mesh in an exisitng blueprint to a different mesh and the first material slot is applied on the mesh. It does this for all meshes, I’m adding a new material. no change