SetMaterial() not working unless you get close enough to prop's origin transform

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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After calling SetMaterial() on a teleported prop, it doesn’t do anything.

The prop material only gets updated when I get close to its origin point.
I can confirm it is not related to time.

Steps to Reproduce

I’m not sure it’s easily reproducible but :

  • Use player instigated sequencers with cameras ?
  • Place a prop far from your player
  • Teleport it back to your player
  • Call SetMaterial()

Expected Result

SetMaterial() should work

Observed Result

SetMaterial() doesn’t work



Additional Notes

see video : (gray ball in an overlay skin which is supposed to change material; SetMaterial() is only called once after taking teleporter)

Teleporting the player to the prop and then back to its position works but it’s really ugly :

                    if(Character.TeleportTo[SphereData.GetAttachableItem[].Item.GetTransform().Translation + vector3{Z := 500.0}, IdentityRotation()]):
    PlayerSkin := PrestigeShop.GetPlayerSkin(Player)

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Just barely ran into this, its still a problem.

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I think it has something to do with moving objects. SetMaterial works sporadically on moving props. But works perfect if it is stationary.

If anyone is still experiencing this and feel it’s a bug, please start a new thread so we have the latest information. Thank you!