Set PlayerState information for multi-player game

How is the player name set on the playerstate from the client? It doesn’t seem like this can be done using blueprints, and if it can what is the correct way of doing it, so it is set on the correct client machine and replicated to everyone else.

Hmm, that is what I thought, but the built in Player Name is read only (set is not available). Maybe I’ll just use another variable that I can set

I would say you the CharacterName Variable on the CharacterBlueprint.

On start, you use a CustomEvent that “RunsOnServer” and has the input Variable of type name or string (what ever your CharacterName type is). So you call that event, plug in the CharacterNameVariable in the blue CustomEventNode and on the red node (the one that is called on the server) you use “SetCharacterName” and plug in the Output in it.

I guess thats how you do it (:

(: Ok, do what ever works best for you. Would you mind checking this question as answered?

Bit the bullet and made a C++ class that extended the APlayerState and overrode the ClientInitialize which is called when it is created. Still having a weird problem with replication serialization, but that is another story.