By default you can do:
#include "MyGameStateBase.h"
AMyGameModeBase::AMyGameModeBase( )
GameStateClass = AMyGameStateBase::StaticClass( );
By default you can do:
#include "MyGameStateBase.h"
AMyGameModeBase::AMyGameModeBase( )
GameStateClass = AMyGameStateBase::StaticClass( );
What if i want to create GameState in runtime and then set it?
Will this solution work?
void AMyGameModeBase::SwapGameState(AGameStateBase* GameState)
GameStateClass = GameState->StaticClass();
Hello there.
I have a question about UWorld::SetGameState function.
My goal is to set GameState from GameMode, however I’m no sure how can i do this. Simple calling this like:
void SwapGameState(AGameStateBase * GameStateVar)
doesn’t seem to work or I just can’t provide GameStateVar in proper way. Anyone here can help me?
Good explaining would be appreciated.
GameStateClass* GameState = Cast(this->GetWorld()->GetGameState());
if (!GameState)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("FAILED: GameState failed to set in %s!"), *this->GetName());
I’m also not sure if you can change your GameState during run-time. What are you trying to do? There might be a better solution.