Server->Client RPC running on the server

I have a Server->Client RPC function declared like this:

UFUNCTION(Client, Reliable, WithValidation, Category = "Inventory")
	void ClientAddContainerToInventory(int32 containerIDinItemsDB);
	void ClientAddContainerToInventory_Implementation(int32 containerIDinItemsDB);
	bool ClientAddContainerToInventory_Validate(int32 containerIDinItemsDB);

that contains this code

void UInventory::ClientAddContainerToInventory_Implementation(int32 containerIndexInInventory)
	if (!IsLocalClient())

and for some reason it runs on the server instead of running on the client.

IsLocalClient() is defined like this:

bool UInventory::IsLocalClient()
	if (!playerPawn) {
		return false;
	if (!playerPawn->GetController())
		return false;
	if (!playerPawn->GetController()->IsLocalController())
		return false;

	return true;

(All this code is in a class called Inventory that extends UActorComponent)

Thanks in advance!