Sequencer crashes render at 8k + Raytrace

I´m using Raytrace with a 2080Ti
It crashes everytime I try to render using Sequencer for just 1 image when I try 8k resolution.
It also crashes when I try to do a HighScreenShot also aiming for 8k.

From windows crash it says the driver crashed… update the video driver.

I already did a clean up reinstall for the driver. Using DDU.
I´m using the latest Game Ready Driver. I was using the Studio driver but got the same crashes.

Driver : 442.19
GPU: Geforce RTX 2080 Ti, 11GB

If I try a clean level I can get the render.

Does anyone know about this issue?

Hi, you might wanna check the usage of your video memory when taking the high resolution screenshot or when rendering in sequencer.

That makes sense, it’s very difficult to do 8K with ray tracing, you’re probably running out of video memory

The video driver is timing out (rendering) and getting reset as Windows thinks it’s crashed. You can try altering the timeout period.

Solution #3 in the link is a method that has worked for me when rendering large images and sequences. I have never tried 8k raytracing, but at least it worked when rendering 4k video from sequencer. I’d recommend giving it a try.