Separate First Person Viewmodel FOV without losing shadows possible?

So lately i have been banging my head against a wall regarding this one topic that i cant seem to find a solution for. Essentially what I’m trying to achieve is something like what “S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2” and “THE FINALS” did with their first person weapon and arm viewmodels, where the model has its own FOV separate from the main camera, even though i managed to figure that one step out using WPO in a material function, unfortunately the shadow projection gets all F’d up. So being desperate I looked up another method, which consisted of overriding the FMatrix GetRenderMatrix() function in a custom derived class of any primitive component. This at first seemed to work perfectly, until I discovered that if your setup consists of multiple prmitive components attached to each other, if any one of their rotations is going to be different from the camera, then the whole projection falls apart leading to some weird results.

Hopefully someone has come across this same issue before, as it seems to be quite a common feature that most first person games tend to have. Im sure any help or guidance will be greatly appreciated not just by me but anyone reading this post in hopes of finding any sort of info on this matter.