Send a message from client to server

Hello Guys i try to send a message from client to server ,when i sent a message from a client i received that separated, each client have a array , but i don’t want this i want common array for clients .
on the screenshot u see i have 2 separate client but my array show me online player : 1 but it should be 2 !
i hope u understand me :slight_smile:
thank you for regarding.

TArray last_Online_players;
TArray Client_ID_on_status_checking = { 1 };

    void UChecking_Offline::SetSomeBool(const TArray<int32>& awdd)
     bool UChecking_Offline::ServerSetSomeBool_Validate(const TArray<int32>& awdd)
    	return true;
    void UChecking_Offline::ServerSetSomeBool_Implementation(const TArray<int32>& awdd)
    		if (last_Online_players.Find(Client_ID)) last_Online_players.Add(Client_ID);
    void UChecking_Offline::Clinet_Joined()
    	void ServerSetSomeBool_Implementation(const TArray<int32>& awdd);
    		if (last_Online_players.Find(Client_ID)) last_Online_players.Add(Client_ID);
    		FString NewString = FString::FromInt(last_Online_players.Num());
    		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("online players: %s"), *NewString);
    		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 0.5f, FColor::Yellow, "online players :"+ FString::FromInt(last_Online_players.Num()));


class ALPHA_BP_C_API UChecking_Offline : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
		UFUNCTION(BluePrintCallable, Category = "Offline Checking")
	    static void Clinet_Joined();
		UFUNCTION(BluePrintCallable, Category = "Offline Checking")
			static void All_Online_Players();
		UFUNCTION(BluePrintCallable, Category = "Offline Checking")
			static void Status_checking();
		 bool awdd;

		void SetSomeBool(const TArray<int32>&  awdd);

		UFUNCTION(reliable, server, WithValidation)
		 void ServerSetSomeBool(const TArray<int32>&  awdd);