Hello everyone!
I hope you’re all doing well. I’ve been working on creating cinematic render configurations in Unreal Engine 5, and I’ve encountered a couple of challenges that I’d appreciate some guidance on. I’ve been using the Electric Dreams template, which has been fantastic for achieving a cinematic look. Currently, I have some render examples (1 and 2) and here are my two questions:
1. Jagged Light Artifacts in Renders:
In Picture 1, when you zoom in, you can notice some jagged light artifacts. I’ve experimented with adjusting the light intensity, because the initial ED template lights have too much contrast, but it hasn’t resolved the issue. The Luminosity Scope doesn’t show any light leaks too. I also tried using Anti-Aliasing, but it didn’t seem to make a difference. Has anyone encountered this issue before, and if so, how can I go about fixing it?
2. Controlling Bitrate for Enhanced Detail in Rendered Sequences:
You can download a 4k film at different bitrates. Some are 10mbit/sec, and others are 50mbit+/sec. Both are technically 4k, but the higher bitrate version offers more detail, depth, cinematic quality, and of course much bigger in size. When I zoom in on my renders, I notice a very pixelated image.
So, my question is, how can I control the image sequence bitrate (basically the bitrate of the potential video output from the sequence) in Unreal Engine 5? I want to extract more information from the scene to achieve a higher level of detail in my renders. Is there a way to accomplish this within UE5?
I recognize that these two questions might be related to some extent, but still.
I also tried higher number of Temporal Sample Count, up to 250, didnt make a significant difference to me.
Thanks in advance!