Seeking 'Collaborative' Sci-Fi Military Interactive Fiction Writers


In the year 2048, An Alien Craft is shot down over a Top Secret island used by several governments to conduct experiments on manipulating life. The Futuristic Inspired Enhancement Research (F.I.E.R.) , one of the top government contractors researching on the island, begins experimenting on the mutated life caused by the Alien technology and chemicals integrating with the environment.

  • F.I.E.R. unintentionally create O R I O N S, fusions of mutated animal life, advanced alien and human technology, and new chemical elements.
  • **The **O R I O N S, rampage, destroying Research Facility 2 and much of the experimental life that lived on the Island
  • **The military and research forces fight back, trying to contain and destroy as many of the **O R I O N S as possible
  • **After battling with the researchers and military on the island, the six extremely powerful **O R I O N S survive, unable to be destroyed by the Island’s government forces.
  • **F.I.E.R. uses the remaining Alien materials to create SynBio Armor, a suit crafted from a new synthetic biology (nano-technology integrated into human stem cells, powered with the alien energy). **
  • Using techniques similar to what they used to experiment on the Island life, F.I.E.R. having learned from experiments gone wrong creates a stabilized version.
  • **They augment four soldiers to go to the Island, destroy the remaining **O R I O N S, and correct their mistake… codename: ExORION.

Wearing the technologically advanced SynBio Armor, ExORION are empowered with physical strength, speed, agility, defense, cloaking, and crafting abilities unparalleled by any other technology known to man.

ExORION faces off against …

  • **The ORIONS, Man-made Monstrosities created from the use of an unknown technology extracted from the crash site of a downed Alien Craft; **
  • and a sophisticated Techno Theft-Ring , known as ‘NEUR0’, hell-bent on acquiring the technology for themselves.

Lets Discuss via Discord or post your questions herein. Thank you for reading:)

**Futuristic Inspired Enhancement Research (F.I.E.R.)

That’s some really really awful writing there. Using the words “Futuristic” or “Inspired” to name government organizations is absurd.

The rest of the plot is dense with cliché. If this is supposed to be serious game then I would suggest you trash the story so far and start over. If this is a parody game with deliberate bad and lazy writing then I apologize and would like to congratulate you, keep going!**

That short plot description is supposed to be dense with cliché. There is no writing, hence forth the recruitment post. If you’re signing up to collab with the storywriting, lets chat. Otherwise, thanks for bump!

Do you really think a writer would want to work within the parameters of that insane plot? What are the roles of the job you’ve listed? I found the same problem on your 3D artist job listing, and even though I talked to you for almost an hour - you never gave a clear goal of your project or listed any tasks at all, you just over complicated answers to simple questions I had.
If you’re just a bunch of gamer dudes who love to talk grand ideas that are never likely to come to fruition, then I suggest you take off (Royalties) of all your job listings and put (UNPAID). They should also be in the same thread if it’s the same project group/company, and please use the job listing template if you want to be taken seriously.

@TechLord I think you could get more “Lost in space” or “Stargate/Terranova.” With it. The coolest Scifi thing ive seen recently was a blackmirror episode. That was long ago. Other than starblivion short that was on the forums here.

Hello @Djinghis, Thank you for taking time to read/respond. Sorry for the miscommunication as I can get lengthy in details. In regards to previous discussions, we seek 3D Artist to craft modular parts/pieces for our Characters, Creatures, Weapons, Vehicles, for procedural/manual assembly in-game to support customization & parts destruction systems. In regards to the request above, I attempted to keep things simple. The ultimate goal is to chat with interested parties providing specific details as requested, possibly take part in our group roleplay.

Thank you for input @thadkinsjr. Our game is an Action FPS inspired by Crysis. Four (4) Soldiers in Super Suits battle against Giant Monsters, Mutants, and Mercenaries. Perhaps some elements of Stargate/Terranova could make it in, but im not sure which of those elements would fit.