[Physics-Based Hand Grasping] Seeking advice on real-time object manipulation
Hi everyone,
I’m working on implementing a physics-based hand grasping system in UE5 driven by real-time motion capture input. I’m looking for feedback on achieving stable and realistic object manipulation.
Project Goal
Creating a system that allows characters to naturally interact with objects based on motion capture input, with a focus on realistic physics behavior during grabbing and manipulation.
Current Approach
The system uses:
- Sphere colliders on hand bones for contact detection
- OnHit events for contact registration
- Contact point analysis for grasp evaluation
- Physics constraints for object manipulation
Key Components:
Contact System:
- Sphere colliders attached to hand bones
- Contact tracking with expiration threshold
- Contact point analysis between fingers and objects
Grasp Analysis:
- Evaluates contact distribution
- Considers thumb/palm involvement
- Analyzes contact point patterns
Physics Interaction:
- Physics constraint creation/management
- Multi-finger grasp handling
- State-based interaction flow
Current Challenges
Stability Issues:
- Objects can slip during movement
- Incorrect object positioning
- Difficulty maintaining consistent grasp stability
Physics Behavior:
- Object jittering
- Unnatural force distribution
- Abrupt state transitions
Technical Considerations:
- Contact detection overhead
- Complex grasp analysis
- Multiple constraint management
Key Questions
For real-time mocap-driven interaction:
- Is a physics constraint-based approach the right direction?
- What alternatives might work better?
Regarding physics constraints:
- Best practices for dynamic parameter adjustment?
- Alternatives to multiple constraints for multi-finger grasping?
- How to handle different object properties (mass, size, shape)?
Edge Cases:
- Approaches for very small/large objects?
- Handling complex object shapes?
- Maintaining stability with varying object properties?
Any insights from those who have worked on similar real-time physics-based interaction systems would be greatly appreciated!