Seams on flush mesh edges with dynamic lights

I cant seem to figure out why all my imported level fbxs, have light and shadow seams on the edges of all the meshes. This image is currently using a single dynamic/movable light and I am previewing this with detailed lighting only. Everything I have googled has mostly been about fixing lightmass settings and fixing overlapping UVs to fix the issue with baked lighting. But I am not using any light bakes. I currently have force no precompute light checked on. But issue persists if its baked or non baked. I have no post process volume in the scene, I have tried all the fixes suggested but the issue still persists. I also tried merging 4 meshes together(pictured center) but they still have seams. Issue is also there with ‘lighting only’ view mode (no Normal) and is gone with “unlit” view mode. How do I fix this issue? Hopefully its a global fix as these are big levels with lots of meshes.
Appreciate any help.

Edit: Of course after posting this I found out that either opening the mesh up in the editor and unchecking “recompute normal” and applying the changes, fixes the issue per mesh. or opening up the material on the meshes, if it has a normal map, and unchecking “tangent space normal” in the details of the material. And then flipping the green channel of the normal.

But doesn’t seem there is a global way to fix this issue other than opening up each individual asset and changing them manually, which is unfortunate.

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