Consolidated my standardized Marketplace presentation set:
We present an environment from our top-down action RPG! Check it out : ://.wigmundrpg
I create some nice detail that wall will hide
Procedural spline based horror corridor/room generator, I made in Houdini
This is our first posting , so is our most recent trailer. For of our past post check us out on FB @GlassCatStudios .
2170 | Gameplay Teaser part 2
Vintage Room.
Run Of Mydan is a singleplayer and multiplayer flying VR shooter with refreshing unique mechanics. Put your physical abilities to test in a journey of self-restoration or challenge other players online by unleashing your powers while swiftly flying. Quickness, agility and dexterity are crucial to survive.
Caves Of Tessellation modular cave system
's a fresh new gameplay trailer for HyperParasite, our upcoming twin-stick shooter/brawler with rogue-lite mechanics set in the roaring 80’s:
Modern House.
Hey, fellow Unreal devs! We’re heading to Kickstarter on 31st May with our cyberpunk action adventure game ManMade.
's our cinematic teaser:
And our gameplay teaser:
If you want to learn more check out our Kickstarter page preview:
[The Basics of Sacred Geometry
ios version
Small paid game with 6 gamemodes on IOS. Its based on old memory game template. I tried inovate classic concentration game with new mechanics, because is it my first try and it should be something small. So i pick this one. But its hard to be one man army It took me two months to do it. But i am skeptical about mobile market today… whoo knows… but stilll… Its alive! My little Frankenstein!
More Pics In this Link
Our tower defense, Hue defense, is almost ready for release Fight for put the Hue nation back on tracks!