I purchased both Sci Fi Weapons Dark, and Sci Fi Weapons Silver. Scifi Weapons Dark does not list 4.5.1 as compatible, but I only intended to use the meshes and textures anyway. However, adding a skeletal mesh from the Dark pack to the level causes the game to freeze, but not crash. Ambient audio keeps playing. Even if I export the mesh and reimport from 3ds Max, this happens. If I place a log in one of my actor’s tick functions it fires once. Are there any reasons anyone can think of that this would happen? The Silver pack does not do this, even though the assets appear to be composed similarly.
Hey BlackRang666, did this ever get resolved?
I was trying to see what the “FX” were in the pack - usually there’s a video for the marketplace releases and I dind’t see any for the weapon packs. Do they have particle effects, like muzzle flashes? Are they not being supported in new builds of the engine?
Please let me know!