Hello, everyone. I am creating a project on a completely new unreal engine 5.5 in c++, starting with a thirdperson template.
Compiling with visual studio immediately gives me these errors:
syntax error: ‘;’ missing before ‘’
missing type identifier, int will be used. Note: default-int is no longer supported in C++
‘FPhysicsVolumeChanged_DelegateWrapper’: identifier not found
‘FIsRootComponentChanged_DelegateWrapper’: identifier not found
syntax error: ‘;’ missing before ‘’
missing type identifier, int will be used. Note: default-int is no longer supported in C++
missing type identifier, int will be used. Note: default-int is no longer supported in C++
missing type identifier, int will be used. Note: default-int is no longer supported in C++
output from command “”C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.5\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat“ TrashTaleEditor Win64 Development -Project=”C:\Users\AL-2023-12-003\Documents\TrashTale\TrashTale.uproject“ -WaitMutex -FromMsBuild -architecture=x64” with code 6.
Do you happen to know how I can fix them? SceneComponent.h is a read-only file so I find it strange to even have errors there.
These are the lines of code that give errors:
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_SPARSE_DELEGATE_OneParam(FPhysicsVolumeChanged, USceneComponent, PhysicsVolumeChangedDelegate, class APhysicsVolume*, NewVolume);
(first 3 errors )
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_SPARSE_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FIsRootComponentChanged, USceneComponent, IsRootComponentChanged, USceneComponent*, UpdatedComponent, bool, bIsRootComponent); ( error 4)
UCLASS(ClassGroup=(Utility, Common), BlueprintType, hideCategories=(Trigger, PhysicsVolume), meta=(BlueprintSpawnableComponent, IgnoreCategoryKeywordsInSubclasses, ShortTooltip=“A scene component is a component that has a scene transformation and can be linked to other scene components.”), MinimalAPI)
class USceneComponent : public UActorComponent.
GENERATED_BODY() (Errors 5-6)
struct FSceneComponentInstanceData : public FActorComponentInstanceData
Thank you in advance for the help!