Scene is too bright

Can anyone explain what is going on here? It is way to bright and does anyone know where the problem lies!?

It looks like your Bloom post processing effect is very high, This can be found in the Post Processing settings in both your player camera, and Edit > Project Settings > Rendering > Default Post Processing Settings. Though bloom is based off of the brightness of object in your scene. So you may need to tweak both lighting and bloom until you get the desired effect.

Hello. I don’t think the problem had anything to do with my Bloom post processing but instad with my Atmospheric Fog. I solved by either turning down the Sun and/or Fog multiplier to 0. Thank you anyway! :slight_smile:

Don’t mean to bump, but for anyone who may be having this problem, I solved it by changing the default project settings, make sure you set the Auto Exposure type to Histogram.

This may be overridden inside of level Post Processing Volume so check inside there as well.

Don’t mean to bump, but for anyone who may be having this problem, I solved it by changing the default project settings, make sure you set the Auto Exposure type to use Histogram.

This may be overridden inside of level Post Processing Volume so check inside there as well.